Thursday, November 1, 2007

Random Thoughts about Love (Irony Irony Irony)

Today's lunch was an interesting experience. I have come to realise that most people are actually afraid to love whole heartedly for fear of getting hurt. So their love to the other party is like 80% 90%, which even stranger that you can actually measure love. How do you know how much is enough, who is to say "You don't love me enough"? How can anyone measure love?

If you cannot love a person whole heartedly, how can you even call it love? I am not talking about love for a child/parent/friend/pet, I am talking about the love that couples share. If you are afraid of getting hurt, then you should not fall in love in the first place. Love is a very fragile rose, you don't take care of it, it will die, you care too much for it, it will die. This is the problem where most people have.....the inability to nurture love, which is the reason for many breakups and divorces.

Loving someone whole heartedly is a courageous thing, it means you are not afraid of falling down and getting hurt, it means that you are free from all doubts, it means the person means more to you than life itself. Its cliche but I know this for a fact.

The next time you utter those three little words, think of the implications they have. The word "love" is often overused and abused, people THINK they know what love is, love is not something you think about, it s not something you write about (ironic isn't it?) , love is something intangible but has the power to move mountains and make the strong weep, make the weak strong, it made me write about it......and I still have no idea I created this entry......

Okie I need therapy.

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