Saturday, November 10, 2007

The Dancefloor

In the dim and misty den
Many come, women and men
Pulsating music, flashing lights
Fun but sometimes carnal delights
Gyrating bodies and swaying hips
Many kissing strangers' lips
Cares and concern all but abandoned
Mistakes made but never learned
Morality is non-existent
Sexuality and lust is persistent
Intoxicating spirits and wines
Turns many a prince into swines

The curse and bane of many
Unable to resist the female fanny
Gone are the days of joy
Nothing left but someone's discarded toy
Emptiness ensues, encroaches
Satisfaction and simple joy beyond our reaches
Curse and swear if you must
Your heart, your head you cannot trust
Try as you might not to be a whore,
But fail you will while you are on the dancefloor

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