Thursday, December 13, 2007


I have wondered how I would react if I ever saw my ex again after our breakup. Would I be angry, sad or would I avoid seeing her at all. Well, that question was answered when I saw her today when she was knocking off to go and get her bf a Christmas gift.

I ran and caught up with her, when I called her name she was a little apprehensive but she did not run or anything. We had a decent and cordial conversation and realise that we could stil communicate without any one of use turning into animals.

Overall, I guess it was fate that allowed me to meet her again. From our short 15-minute conversation, I managed to confirm a lot of things that I had been wondering about. Like why exactly she left me for the other guy. I realised that money played an important factor too. A stone-broke guy like myself would have problems settling down with no money in the bank. I guess ultimately the love in that relationship could not stand the test of money. Ha ha. Maybe then there was really no love in it at all and it was all just one sided? Oh well, its water under the bridge.

Perhaps it is high time I start re-looking at my finances and REALLY start to plan for my future....though its like the umpteenth time i have told myself this. SAVE SAVE SAVE!


rong said...


Mahojazz said...

wow, din know that $$ is such important thing. Guess poor guys like us will be single for very long time. Sob. Gals are very realistic.