Tuesday, October 30, 2007

A Thought Came To Me

Many a time, in a relationship, many of the other party tend to compare with other people's other half. I think this is a start of a disaster, once you start to compare you will find your other half lacking in a lot of things.......but have you stop and wondered why in the first place you have chosen him/her? Remember those reasons, hold on to them, nurture them, let it become the basis of your relationship.

In any relationship, whatever the results, its the effort and the interaction of 2 people. The success and failure of a relationship rides solely on the shoulder's of these 2 people. People often say that "love starts with a smile, grows with a kiss and ends with a tear" and I totally agree to this.

My ex-girlfriend's chief complaint was that I never showed her enough care nor enough love and that was why she fell for another guy. Maybe she was using it as an excuse maybe its not, but I realised it did not matter anymore. I do not hate her nor do I still have feelings for her, I have come to accept things the way they are because I believe along the way I have contributed to this end.

It has now started to rain, and my spirit and mind feel cleansed. I no longer harbour thoughts of ill-doing.

Some of my friends may wish her ill-luck but I would not have any of it. Everyone has a right to happiness and she is no exception. I, too, hope to find my happiness one day and hope that it will last too!

Well, looking on the bright side, I now have more time for friends and I am making new ones now! Hee!

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